
Category: Rezgo Updates


Category: Rezgo Updates

Rezgo 12.1: Sell More Gift Cards for the Holidays (and Beyond)

The holidays are fast approaching, so to help you make your holiday sales merry and bright, we’ve introduced two gift-giving features in Rezgo’s latest update.
Written By | Nissa Campbell

Rezgo 12: Resource Management, Packages, Rentals, and More

Rezgo 12 brings two major new systems: resource management and packaging. It also includes customer-selectable start times, new branding options, ticket templates, and more.
Written By | Nissa Campbell

Rezgo 2021: A Successful Start to a New Era

A new year has arrived, and with it, a chance to reflect on the one that’s just passed. We’ve been fortunate to be able to grow and invest in our team and technology through this challenging time, and we’re so grateful to have you here with us to kick off 2022.  2021 was a big […]
Written By | Nissa Campbell

Letter from Founder & CEO – Welcome to Rezgo’s new era

Rezgo launched on July 07, 2007. Since then, both our company and the tourism industry have seen many changes, but never so much as in the past year and a half.  The challenges of the pandemic have been significant for all of us, but from the start, I knew how I wanted Rezgo to emerge. […]
Written By | Rezgo

Rezgo 11: Live Chat, Ticket Pooling, Daily Pricing and more!

What’s new in Rezgo 11 Our team’s been working hard to make your experience better than ever. Here are new tools we’ve released to help your business thrive: Live Chat Now it’s easier than ever to get the support you need as you can now get assistance directly through the Rezgo admin interface. The chat […]
Written By | Rezgo

Increase Bookings With Abandoned Cart Emails

Customers can be indecisive, and travel customers even more so. Industry experts have found that travel shopping carts are abandoned 81.7% of the time–the highest rate of any but the finance and non-profit sectors. With Rezgo, you can automatically email customers a day after they abandon their cart with a reminder to come back and […]
Written By | Nissa Campbell

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Video Testimonial

Discover how online booking became the number 1 sales channel for Phare Circus, in Cambodia

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Live Drop-in Training Sessions

Joing Rezgo’s live sessions to master your booking software

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