Simple pricing, no surprises.

Get the most flexible booking system and unmatched support at a rate you can thrive on

4.9%Web Bookings

0.9%Point of Sale Bookings

Rezgo only charges fees on bookings, so you don’t pay unless you’re doing business.
And if you choose to let your customers cover the fee, Rezgo costs you nothing.

High volume bookings? Talk to our sales team about rates for your high-volume business.

All the features you need,
always included.

No need to worry about additional monthly fees to access features needed to grow and scale your business.

  • Point of Sale
  • Detailed Knowledge Base
  • Waivers
  • Resource Management
  • Merchandise
  • Gift Cards

Are you an Enterprise Client?
Talk to our sales team about rates for your high-volume business.

Rezgo only charges fees on bookings, so you don’t pay unless you’re doing business. And if you let your customers cover the fee, Rezgo costs you nothing.

You can cover the Rezgo fee yourself or choose to pass it on to your customers—it’s totally up to you.

Rezgo has no subscriptions, booking volume costs, or user limits. Your only extra costs are for third-party services like payment gateways.