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Resellers, agents and concierges can be a valuable addition to your sales channels, and we count many concierge and reseller businesses among Rezgo’s clients. That’s why we offer several ways to track bookings from third parties, sales desks, and resellers.

The simplest of these is tracking by Ref ID, but depending on your business’s needs, we offer much more comprehensive options as well.

Tracking Bookings With Ref IDs

The simplest way to track concierge bookings (and other bookings from third-party agents) is to provide the concierge or agent with a Ref ID. This is a short code that can be added to the end of any booking link and that can be tracked on your booking report.

The benefit of this approach is that it’s easy for the concierge. Concierges offer local connections and local knowledge, but they’re often busy and focused on their own work, not your business. Making the process as easy as possible can be to your benefit when you’re establishing relationships with concierges.

Here’s how to use Ref IDs to track third-party bookings.

At the end of the month, you can run a booking report and sort by Ref ID. This will group all your bookings by referrer, so you can add up each agent’s sales and calculate their commission. (Alternatively, you might want to export your booking report so it can be filtered and calculated in your spreadsheet application of choice.)

To calculate your commissions using RefID, you could total the value of the bookings listed next to each referrer’s Ref ID, then multiply that total by your agreed-upon commission percentage. The results will be the amount to pay out to each referrer.

Using the Rezgo Reseller System

If you partner with other tourism businesses who resell your inventory, Rezgo’s reseller system can help. To use it, both partners need to have Rezgo accounts.

With it, your reseller partners can list your products on their booking websites or in their point of sale, complete with markups and other reseller-friendly adjustments. You can limit the inventory and availability offered to resellers, specify pricing, and more.

When your resellers take bookings, the relevant information in those bookings is passed on to you, so you know who will be attending your events. And Rezgo includes helpful tools to calculate payouts and send invoices, too.

If you’re working with resellers and want to get started with our reseller system, you can learn more here or talk to our team to discover how Rezgo’s reseller system can work for your business.

Managing Bookings With Sales Desks, Price Sheets, and More

If you run a concierge business or work with many sales desks that operate on commission, you may want to consider using some of Rezgo’s enterprise features. These features are available to all Rezgo clients at no extra cost, so the only thing you need to worry about is whether they’re right for your business.

With an enterprise setup, each concierge could have their own login (although there are simpler approaches as well), be assigned a price sheet that tracks and controls their commission, pricing, and availability, and may also be assigned to a sales desk and location to keep careful track of what bookings are coming from where.

Sales desks also allow you to use features like opening and closing procedures, with or without cash counts, along with merchandise, stock transfers, and a lot more.

These setups are ideal when you have authority over your concierges or agents, because logging in and taking bookings through Rezgo can be a bit more effort than adding a Ref ID to the back of a URL and booking on the web.

But if giving each concierge a login isn’t practical for your business, you may still benefit from these tools. You can also use them to simplify commission tracking while relying on your own staff to enter bookings, or assign bookings and price sheets behind the scenes.

Setups like this can be a little complex, and vary according to your business’s needs, so talk to our sales team or customer success team to learn more about how Rezgo can work for your business, or book a demo today.

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