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Blog Articles

Get More Bookings With These 9 Tourism Website Essentials

Thinking about taking online bookings but not sure where to start? Check out our guide to making the perfect tourism website to sell your tours and activities.
Written By | Lindsay Stroud

Rezgo 12.12: Availability Holds, Minute Cutoffs, and Much More

In Rezgo’s 12.12 update, you can protect your customers from events selling out while they’re checking out. Learn more about this and other new features in our blog post.
Written By | Nissa Campbell

Change One Sentence to Boost Your Bookings

Elevate your booking game with Joe Martin from UpLevel Tourism. In this webinar replay, you’ll discover the art of refining one sentence for maximum impact, and increase your tour bookings with one simple change
Written By | Rezgo

Rezgo 12.10 & 12.11: Smart Features to Save You Time

Rezgo 12.10 and 12.11 include exciting new tools powered by artificial intelligence.
Written By | Nissa Campbell

Looking ahead: Setting goals for your tour business

Goal setting is one of the most important activities you can undertake for your tour business. Think of it as shaping the destiny and direction of your business for both the short- and long-term. And there’s no better time than the pre-season lull to spend some time setting goals for your tour business for the year ahead.
Written By | Rob Mathison

Tips for Handling Large Group Bookings and Reservations

Understanding how to effectively manage and attract large group bookings can be a game-changer for your company, especially with comprehensive tour booking software as part of your toolkit.
Written By | Lindsay Stroud

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Video Testimonial

Discover how online booking became the number 1 sales channel for Phare Circus, in Cambodia

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Live Drop-in Training Sessions

Joing Rezgo’s live sessions to master your booking software

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