
Category: Articles


Category: Articles

Using Rezgo to Make the Most of Your Daily Deal

If you do it right, you can use daily deals to fill seats in the off-season or low season and improve your brand awareness with locals and build word of mouth advertising for your business.  Rezgo has a lot of features that can be used to make sure you protect yourself against the common pitfalls […]
Written By | Rezgo

Improve Conversions For Your Direct Booking Website

Converting your visitors to customers is an ongoing challenge for every business, so try not to get overwhelmed. A good booking system can help by using industry best practices in its booking and checkout flow, which leaves you to handle the first steps: getting customers from your home page to your tour and activity listings.
Written By | Rezgo

Be Careful with Daily Deals

As a tour and activity business, you are a perfect target customer for the likes of Groupon, Living Social, or any one of hundreds of other daily deal websites popping up on the Internet everyday.  But be warned, the daily deals business can be a real nightmare for your company if you are not careful.  […]
Written By | Rezgo

Using Referral Codes to Track Concierge Bookings

Even though referral codes have been a supported feature in Rezgo for almost two years, we are still surprised at how some creative Rezgo members are using them to track particular booking channels.  One popular and growing use of the referral code feature is to track bookings from concierges. Before you use referral codes in […]
Written By | Rezgo

Move Over Car Rentals, There’s a New Kid in Town

Rezgo Sponsored Industry Research Estimates Tour & Activities at $27 Billion For as long as there have been tourists there have been tours, tour guides, and destination based activities.  Unlike the more commonly known travel segments like flights, hotels, car rentals, and cruise, the in-destination tour and activity segment is dominated by very small businesses.  […]
Written By | Rezgo

Accept credit cards through Rezgo & simplify your receivables

We are really happy to announce that we have set-up partnership agreements with three leading payment gateway and merchant processing providers in Canada and the U.S. to provide preferred merchant processing and payment gateway services for Rezgo members.  All three of these preferred merchant partners are already fully integrated with Rezgo.  The three payment gateway […]
Written By | Rezgo

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Discover how online booking became the number 1 sales channel for Phare Circus, in Cambodia

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