
Category: Tourism Trends


Category: Tourism Trends

Special Interest Tourism: Find Your Niche

Special interest tourism (SIT) is on the rise, and for good reason. It provides travelers the chance to explore their passions and gives you the opportunity to curate a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Special interest tourism focuses on providing leisure and adventure activities that cater to the needs of a specific audience. Tapping into your special interest […]
Written By | Caitlyn McGee

The Future of Tourism: 10 Things Tour Companies Need To Prepare For in 2022

The phrase “the new normal” has become a bit of a cliché over the last 18 months or so, with good reason. What is normal today may not be normal next week, or even tomorrow, as the world slowly starts to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. The travel and tourism industry is no exception. While […]
Written By | Rob Mathison

How to Prepare for a Travel Bubble

It’s finally happened. The trans-Tasman travel bubble is open, allowing quarantine-free travel between Australia and New Zealand for the first time in over a year. Zoom calls are no substitute for hugs, and footage of happy reunions has been beamed around the world as people from New Zealand and Australia hopped across the Tasman to […]
Written By | Rob Mathison

Five Must-Have Skills For Your Instagram Tour Guide

Who’s going to run your Instagram tours? Are you going to work with an Instagram influencer who can pick up the skills required to lead a tour? Or an experienced guide who does a little photography on the side? Or maybe you want a photographer who’s already running solo tours and photo shoots through local […]
Written By | Nissa Campbell

Impress Your Guests With a Fantastic Instagram Tour

Some days it can feel like every tour is already an Instagram tour, with half your guests taking in the sights through their phone cameras. So why not capitalize on the interest that’s already out there and put together an Insta tour of your own? Instagram just keeps getting bigger, with over 500 million daily […]
Written By | Nissa Campbell

2019 Traveler Trends from Around the World

It doesn’t matter where you’re from—people everywhere love to travel. Every destination can be wonderfully exotic or dreadfully familiar depending on your perspective, and we bring those perspectives with us when we go. But while our differences are what make the world such a fascinating place, they also pose a challenge when it comes to […]
Written By | Nissa Campbell

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