in Payment Gateways
Tags: Payments Settings

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Trust My Travel is a global payment gateway. The Rezgo integration allows for direct e-commerce payments through your Rezgo website and Rezgo POS / Back office.

Sign-up for Trust My Travel

To find out more about Trust My Travel and to apply for payment gateway or merchant services on the Trust My Travel website.

Set-up Credentials

Once your account has been created and approved, you will be provided the following credentials:

  • Username
  • Password
  • Channel ID

Attach the Gateway to Rezgo

Copy and paste this information into your Rezgo account by following these instructions:

1. Navigate to Settings in the main menu and click Payments You Accept.

2. Click Use a Merchant Gateway (1) and then Attach Merchant Gateway (2).

3. Select Trust My Travel from the list of supported gateways.

4. Enter your Username, Password & Channel ID into the spaces provided. Select the credit cards you want to accept.

Trust My Travel
5. Click Attach Account .

If successful, the system will show the following success message:
