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Once you’ve created your first inventory item in Rezgo, the next thing you need to do is create your bookable options. Options are the different variants you have to offer for your tour, event, or activity.

In most cases, your options will be the specific start times of your tours, events, or activities, but they can be anything that differentiates one version of your event from another.

To get started, click Create Option. The first thing you need to do is give your option a nameIn this example, we have a walking tour of Vancouver. We’ll create three different: a morning tour, an afternoon tour and an evening tour.

The first option will be named “Morning Tour.” The duration field is how long your event takes, so in this example, the duration of the tour is three hours.

The guest field is an optional field, but it allows you to set a minimum or maximum number of guests to book at once. If we enter two minimum and six maximum, a customer going onto our website can’t make a booking for this option for just one person and they can’t make a booking for more than six people.

We have some advanced options next, such as adding a deposit, booking block sizes, and default booking statuses. You can learn more about these on our support site or by reaching out to our customer success team.

Next, you need to set availability. Depending on how you run your operations, you’ll need to use one of three different availability types: daily availability, resource availability or open availability.

Open availability is used when you don’t want customers to have to choose a date and a time to book your tour, event, or activity. Instead, they can book a ticket and then show up any time you offer the event.

Enter your current and total number of tickets you want to make available for the event, then give it a start time – this is when you want your customers to show up. You don’t need to set a booking expiry, but you can choose to set them to expire a number of days after they’re booked or on a specific date. Once that day or number of days pass, the customer’s ticket would expire. If you choose a specific date, the event will also no longer be able to be booked.

Resource availability makes use of Rezgo’s resource management system. It’s the perfect choice if your availability is limited by certain resources. For example, you might offer bike rentals, where you only have a certain amount of bikes, or boat tours, where your availability is limited by your boat’s capacity.

Resources can also have static or user-selectable start times. Static start times are set by you—if your boat tour is only available at 9:00 AM, for instance. User-selected start times let your customers pick the times that work best for them. You set the start and end time of your day and the intervals you offer, and your customers can choose any time in that window. For example, you could offer bike rentals between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM, and your customers can book to pick their bikes up any hour on the hour in that range. You can set the intervals smaller if you want, and deselect specific times that don’t work

If you’re using resource availability, you also need to attach resources to the inventory. You’ll create resources in Rezgo, set their availability, and the option will adopt their availability once they’ve been attached.

Daily availability is the most typical way to create an option. With daily availability, your customers would visit your booking website and choose a date and a static start time to attend your tour, event, or activity.

Your availability should be the number of people who can attend your event at one time. If you set your availability to 15, that means 15 people can book any one event. You should also set a start time so your customers know when to arrive.

Resource availability and daily availability also share some settings. First is check-in time. This is simply to inform your customer how early they should show up to be checked in, though you can also set up your Rezgo account to keep customers from being checked in before this time.

Cut-off determines how late your customers can book. If you want to avoid last-minute bookings, you might set a cut-off of 24 hours. This would mean no one could book for 24 hours before the option’s start time.

Your cancellation window is mostly determined by your cancellation policy, but you can also include it here so your agents or resellers can see how late you’ll accept cancellations.

Your available dates are the days your event can be booked for. By default, your option will always be available – so every day, at your set start time, you’ll be running this event if you have bookings.

You can also change this so your event is available for single days—if you run a Halloween event on October 27th, that’s the day you’d choose. Or a date range, like October 27th-October 31st.

If you set a date range, you can also choose the days of the week your event is available, like Saturdays and Sundays from the 1st of August to the 30th of September. Or you can choose days of the week without a range, so all Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays .

Your last choice is to select specific days. If you want to run your event on scattered dates, like the 21st of September, the 20th of October and also the 29th of November. your event would only be available on those days.

Next, you can set pricing tiers. These are the price points that you have to offer.

Often, pricing tiers are set by age range, like adult, senior and child, but they can also be other ways to differentiate your tickets, like having one person per bike. Label your price tier and set a price.

You can create more tiers, and organize them however you want them to be show. You can also set them to required. If you make the adult tier required, for example, no one could book a ticket for a child without also booking one for an adult. If you set multiple tiers as required, your customers will need to book at least one of them in their booking (not one of each of them).

You can also add a pricing bundles. This is a great way to add basic discounts based on pricing tier. A family bundle could bundle two adult tickets and one child ticket, for example. If you bundle those tiers and add a discount, then customers would automatically get a discount when booking that combination of tickets.

Line items are any taxes, fees, or additional charges that you need to add to a booking. You can use percentages, or you can do a currency value. If you add a line item of 5%, it will add 5% to the total value of the booking on checkout.

Next, there are booking fields. These let you gather all the information about the guests or the booking that you need. By default, options ask your guests names at checkout, without any other contact information aside from billing info for the primary guest. You can also get more contact information from everyone, or less: if you don’t ask for any information, you will still get the billing person’s name and contact information, but that’s it. If you want to ensure that more information is gathered, set the information request to required.

If you want to ask other questions, you can do so here as well. You could ask about medical conditions, allergies, or other requirements by creating more guest forms, and you can also make these forms required.

Guest forms and primary forms are very flexible. You can use a checkbox, a drop down, multiple choice, text fields, and more.

Primary forms are very similar, but they ask the question once for the whole group instead of once for each guest. You might want to make sure your customers verify everyone’s contact information, so you have valid email addresses to send your waivers. You could create a checkbox that just asks if your customers have looked over their info, so they need to check it to proceed.

In the additional option settings, you can set up email alerts, booking labels, external codes, and booking assignments.

Email alerts let you notify someone every time the option is booked. Every time a booking gets made, your main Rezgo account email address will be notified—but you might want someone else to get an email, too, like a guide or another staff member. Enter their email address in the email alerts field, and they’ll get emails about this event’s bookings—and only this event’s bookings, unless you assign them more alerts elsewhere.

The rest of these additional fields are for advanced use, so you can learn more about them on our support site or reach out to our support team or your customer success representative.

For now, you can click Create Option to finish making your first option.

Once you’ve created your option, there’s one more step to take: a newly-created option won’t be published automatically. That means it will be available to book on the point of sale, but not on your booking website.

Once you’ve verified all the information you’ve entered, click Publish Option.

With that done, you can close the option and see it listed on your inventory item. Take a moment to look it over, and then you can create more options with different start times or other variations.

To make this easier, you can duplicate the option you just created. This will duplicate all the information you’ve already entered – your durations, dates, forms, taxes, and so on. Depending on how your new option differs, you might just need to change its start time or availability after duplicating it. Once that’s done, you can save your new option and publish it, too.

So that’s everything you need to know about how to create an option in your Rezgo account. IF you have any questions, our support team is always ready to help.

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