We are happy to announce the release of Rezgo V.5.3.5. This release includes several new features as well as a number of bug fixes. Here is a brief list of changes and bug fixes that are in this most recent release:
- Brand new booking interface for mobile devices. All white label booking websites will automatically detect and display a mobile optimized customer booking engine with full payment support. The booking website has support for promo codes and adheres to a 1:1 URL match so that customers are not redirected to a non-existent URL if they click a link sent via email or on a website not optimized for mobile.
- Brand new API manager for multiple API keys, access rights and usage tracking. All accounts now have the ability to create and manage as many API keys as required. Each key can support different access rights (to specific API calls). This is particularly useful for customers who run multiple websites using the same account or for those who wish to create customer reporting applications without providing access to booking capabilities.
- New currency conversion source. We have integrated a new currency provider with support for 120 global currencies. This increases the support for currencies by 40.
- Geo-Tags can now be removed from tours. Customers who do not wish to add geo-tags to their tour details can now remove them in the event that they added the geo-tags inadvertently.
- Booking check-in is no longer available before the tour date. We had several cases of customers scanning their voucher QR Codes before arriving for their tour and therefore inadvertently checking themselves in. The check-in will no longer allow a voucher to be checked in until the booked for date. Operators still have the ability to change the booked for date in the administration system if they wish to check a customer in early.
- Booking complete page instructions updated. We have simplified the status messages on the booking complete page in order to make them more obvious. If a booking is complete, the message now reads “BOOKING COMPLETE”. If a booking is pending, then the message now reads “BOOKING NOT YET COMPLETE”. If the booking is to be paid with PayPal, a subsequent message has been added that indicates the amount owning and prompts the user to click on the PayPal button.
- New “link to this tour” page with enhanced functionality. We have simplified the “Link to this Tour” feature of the Tour Details page in the administration system. The link dialog now includes the full URL to the tour, a short url (for sharing purposes), a pre-designed book now button, and a QR code with the short URL embedded. The QR code can be saved as an image and used in marketing materials in order to make it easier for customers to book tours using their mobile device.
- Customer IP address is now passed to the Wirecard and Ogone gateways. For fraud prevention purposes, Rezgo now passes the IP address of the customer to the Wirecard and Ogone payment gateways. For security purposes, the IP address is stored with all credit card transactions. The addition of IP logging is done should additional payment gateways require that the IP address be sent along with card data.
- Voucher link added to check-in page headers. This feature is for those Rezgo members who work with third party providers and want to provide better access to voucher data. This is particularly useful if the customer presents a voucher on their mobile device and the provider needs a printed copy for their records. The operator can now access the printable voucher once the voucher is checked-in.
Bug fixes:
- $0 deposit values produced inconsistent results. $0 or 0% deposit amounts in the pricing section of an option will act as a full payment.
- Some currencies are not updating correctly. We updated our currency provider and now have automated daily mid-market currency updates.
- Vendor signup generates an error under certain circumstances.
- Authorize.net credentials are incorrectly labeled. The field names for Authorize.net credentials were inconsistent with the actual values provided by Authorize.net. The new field names are now consistent and should prevent confusion.
- Switching from invoice to credit occasionally causes a lockout message.
- PayPal standard payments sometimes do not forward correctly.
We will be posting articles regarding some of these features in the knowledgebase and on the Rezgo website.
As a reminder, we have updated our support protocols in order to better serve all Rezgo members. If you have a support request, please submit a ticket to the Rezgo support site. We will do our best to respond to your tickets in a timely manner, but remember that we are based in the Pacific time zone.