in Notifications

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If you have completed the rest of the process for sending Rezgo notifications from your own domain, you can contact us for instructions on updating your DNS. If you’re already comfortable adding DKIM and SPF records, these are the records you will need to create:


To enable DKIM, create a TXT record for (just replace with the domain you’re setting up) with the following value:

v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCrLHiExVd55zd/IQ/J/mRwSRMAocV/hMB3jXwaHH36d9NaVynQFYV8NaWi69c1veUtRzGt7yAioXqLj7Z4TeEUoOLgrKsn8YnckGs9i3B3tVFB+Ch/4mPhXWiNfNdynHWBcPcbJ8kjEQ2U8y78dHZj1YeRXXVvWob2OaKynO8/lQIDAQAB;

Some DNS providers require that semicolons be escaped. If your provider requires escaping, use this value instead:

v=DKIM1\; k=rsa\; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCrLHiExVd55zd/IQ/J/mRwSRMAocV/hMB3jXwaHH36d9NaVynQFYV8NaWi69c1veUtRzGt7yAioXqLj7Z4TeEUoOLgrKsn8YnckGs9i3B3tVFB+Ch/4mPhXWiNfNdynHWBcPcbJ8kjEQ2U8y78dHZj1YeRXXVvWob2OaKynO8/lQIDAQAB\;


If you don’t already have a TXT record with SPF information, you will need to create one that includes the following:

v=spf1 ?all

If you already have a TXT record with SPF information, you’ll need to add Mandrill’s servers to that record by adding the following:

This goes before the last operator, which is usually ?all, ~all, or -all).