in WordPress

Support Articles

Creating a page in WordPress that only shows a specific type of tour or a specific tour is supported using the Rezgo shortcode with specific variables.  Follow these instructions to create a page on your WordPress site that shows tours based on tags or SKU:

  1. In the WordPress sidebar, click on “Pages”.
  2. Click on “Add New”.
  3. In the page content, place the following short code along with the variables you require:

Tour Details Page

[rezgo_shortcode rezgo_page="tour_details" com="12345"]

(replace 12345 with the SKU of the tour you wish to display)

Tours Based on Tags

[rezgo_shortcode tags="shopping"]

To show a combination location search and tags

[rezgo_shortcode search_in="location" search_for="Las Vegas" tags="shopping,gambling"]

The benefit of creating specific tour pages is that you can optimize each page with keywords and descriptions that are unique to the tour details.  This method is ideal for creating tags that combine locations and tags together.  For example, creating a page that shows all shopping tours in Las Vegas (in the above example).

There is no restriction to the number of pages that can be created using the shortcodes.

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