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The Rezgo WordPress Plugin supports the use of variables that will show different results based on values included with the shortcode.  To show your Rezgo results on your WordPress powered site, you will need to create a page and place the [rezgo_shortcode] in the content of the page.  This short code (depending on the variables provided) will show different results.  Using the Rezgo short code, for example, you can create a page that shows a specific tour, a set of tours based on tags, or a tour with a specific departure date.

*NOTE: The Rezgo WordPress Plugin does not support posts, it only supports pages.

The following are examples of how the shortcode can be changed to show differing results:


To show all tours


To target a different page when proceeding further. For instance if you want to show tours on your home page. In this example, the page ‘book’ would need to exist.

[rezgo_shortcode slug="book"]

To show tours with a particular tag

[rezgo_shortcode tags="dinner cruise"]

To show tours with a combination of tags

[rezgo_shortcode tags="shopping,gambling"]

To show a keyword search result

[rezgo_shortcode search_in="smart" search_for="cruise"]

To show a combination location search and tags

[rezgo_shortcode search_in="location" search_for="Las Vegas" tags="shopping,gambling"]

To show a date range search

[rezgo_shortcode start_date="2019-06-01" end_date="2019-06-08"]

To show a specific tour detail page

[rezgo_shortcode rezgo_page="tour_details" com="1234"]

To show just the calendar view for a particular tour

[rezgo_shortcode rezgo_page="tour_details" com="1234" view="calendar" slug="tours"]

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